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The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone


비틀즈가 록 뮤직에 끼친 영향만큼이나 큰 영향을 소울 뮤직에 끼쳤다는
아프리카계 미국인 남성 5인조 밴드.

1960년 미국 미시건주 디트로이트에서 결성되어
현재까지도 활동중인 장수 그룹.
4개의 팝 차트 1위 곡과 14개의 리듬 앤 블루스 1위 곡을 보유한데다
그래미 상을 3회나 수상,팝 역사상 가장 큰 성공을 거둔 5인조 흑인그


"Papa was a Rolling Ston"은 Motown 작곡가인 Norman Whitfield와 Barrett Strong이

모타운의 단조로 1971년에 저술한 환상적인 영혼의 노래이며,

1972년초 싱글로 발매되자마자 팝 챠트 63위와 R & B 챠트 24위를 기록하는등 인기를 얻었으며,

Rolling Stone Magazine'이 선정한 500곡중 169위에 올라있다


"Papa Was a Rollin' Stone"


It was the third of September

That day I'll always remember, yes I will

'Cause that was the day that my daddy died

I never got a chance to see him

Never heard nothin' but bad things about him

Momma I'm depending on you to tell me the truth

Momma just hung her head and said, son


Papa was a rolling stone

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone

Papa was a rolling stone (my son, yeah)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone


Hey Momma!

Is it true what they say that Papa never worked a day in his life

And Momma, some bad talk goin' round town sayin' that

Papa had three outside children

And another wife, and that ain't right

Heard some talk Papa doing some storefront preachin'

Talking about saving souls and all the time leechin'

Dealing in dirt, and stealing in the name of the Lord

Momma just hung her head and said


Papa was a rolling stone (my son)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone

Hey Papa was a rolling stone (dad gumma it)

 Where ever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone


Hey Momma

I heard Papa called himself a jack-of-all-trades

Tell me is that what sent Papa to an early grave

Folks say Papa would beg, borrow, steal

To pay his bills

Hey Momma

Folks say Papa never was much on thinking

Spent most of his time chasing women and drinking

Momma I'm depending on you to tell me the truth

Momma looked up with a tear in her eye and said, son


Papa was a rolling stone (well, well, well, well)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone (lone, lone, lone, alone)

Papa was a rolling stone

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone


(I said) Papa was a rolling stone (yes he was, my son)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home

And when he died, all he left us was alone

My daddy was Papa was a rolling stone (yes he was, yeah)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home)





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