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My Familiar Unfamiliar - Michelle Gurevich




My Familiar Unfamiliar ,, Michelle Gurevich





My familiar unfamiliar
My dearest mystery
I can't get used to you
You turn from the kitchen window
I'm willing everything
I can't get used to you
Don't ever get used to me

Stay shy
I'll remain your mistress
At breakfast time
I know you belong to the wind
And so do I
But please, every morning
You turn from the kitchen window
I'm willing everything
I can't get used to you
Don't ever get used to me


I know it's s**y to be
With someone new
But even more so
With one you've been through
All that we've been through
I'm willing everything
I can't get used to you
Don't ever get used to me

My familiar unfamiliar
My dearest mystery
I can't get used to you
You turn from the kitchen window
I'm willing everything
I can't get used to you
Don't ever get used to me







카페 >┼─… 뮤 직 라 인 …─┼

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