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Down Under - Men at Work










Traveling in a
fried out combie
On a hippie trail
head full of zombie
I met a strange lady
she made me nervous
She took me in and
gave me breakfast
And she said
Do you come from a land
down under
Where women glow
and men plunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover









Buying bread from a man
in Brussels
He was six foot four
and full of muscles
I said Do you speak
a my language
He just smiled and gave me
a vegemite sandwich
And he said
I come from a land
down under
Where beer does flow
and men chunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover











Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw
and not much to say
I said to the man
Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from
the land of plenty
And he said
Oh Do you come from a land
down under oh yeah yeah
Where women glow
and men plunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover
Do you come from a
land down under
Where women glow
and men plunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover
Do you come from a
land down under
Where women glow
and men plunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover
Do you come from a
land down under
Where women glow
and men plunder
Can't you hear
can't you hear the thunder
You better run
you better take cover











 스마트폰 저장



카페 >┼─… 뮤 직 라 인 …─┼

글쓴이 : 울타리| 원글보기


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